did you cut content out of the game? i was trying to load one of my saves and notice anything that has to do with the mother being put in the hospital and college scenes are completely unable to load but when i load back to the scene when fab and carlos about to open the door, it cut to your follow my patreon screen. i tried re-installing and it didn't work.
Is there a guide for this game somewhere? Not sure if it's my choices, but there doesn't seem to be a lot of action going on. First Carlos is a big cock-block, and then lots of stuff either gets interrupted or turned down by the MC. Trying to choose Steve, but there are so few scenes with him. Is that just the game? Or do I need to make different choices?
first of all, english is not my first language. So pardon me. .
You know when u choose to not look at uncle's bedroom, and fabien got angry at u too and then the choices for roommates are carlos and the new guy, and u choose Carlos, in this route carlos explained it that he and uncle didn't have se*x right? Like he just confused and forget about the bedroom? So why are you guys angry😭. .
Isn't it just a misunderstanding? Or i'm the one who dont get it??
The new update (0.21) is a complete left turn. The wrap up of the extremely short summer vacation (the literal title of the game) came out of nowhere leaving more questions than answers and, overall, made absolutely no sense. Pretty clear that the dev lost interest in the original story and ham-fisted a way to drop it and start on a new and completely different story - Mat, the College Years. Unfortunate.
Yeah, I have to agree. Such a 180, without resolving any of the tension (you'd think there'd be at least one scene with the uncle, if that's the way you were leaning) or actually finishing out the summer. It was really disappointing. Hopefully the college story will pick up soon and the uncle will come back into the picture. Wouldn't mind if Carlos stayed gone though.
It's a real narrative no-no. To just suddenly drop the story and framing out of nowhere, and put the viewer/gamer in a whole new time and place without any set up. I just gave up on the game at that point.
Summer will come back ;) I know it is disturbing, and maybe I should find another way to arrive at this point ;) And I have to say no to "Pretty clear that the dev lost interest in the original story". Absolutely not :)
I am very indifferent about Carlos after this new update, it's to the point I despise him. Like, there are plenty of things that is weird that I should take a second look at but I don't care about those. I knew what type of person Carlos was but what he did in this update was straight up trifling; and made me straight lose interest in him and the uncle for pulling that bs.
Overall, I loved the update, especially Fabian and the new character's personalities and how they interact with the main character. I find myself relating a lot with the main character during Fabian route due the constant confusion of what to do and what not to do at certain times.
Yeah, It was. The thing that most irritated me is that the situation was bad from the get go. First, The MC's Auntie is literally in the hospital and her son is worried for his mother. What Carlos and uncle first thought was is "Yay, time to flirt with the MC" and I am like what the hell??? Really??? Like Really??? are you serious? but it doesn't stop there; let's talk about the bedroom scene between Carlos and the MC, you can seen during that scene that the MC is really worried not only for his aunt's health but also having worried about what he said to his cousin the day before, but here come Carlos with only one thing on his mind D I C K and ignores everything that MC says. Furthermore, when he saw that the MC wasn't giving up the goods, he decided "Oh, let me go and sleep and mess around with you uncle". Like, what a d**k move on not only his part but both of parts.
Salut jeune Erwan, j'espére que tout va pour le meilleur pour toi.
Dis, seulement maintenant j'ai eu l'opportunité de jouer avec ces nouvelles mises a jour...
... et je suis plutôt très agréablement surpris de l'évolution avec ce tournant de l'histoire de Matt, tellement des si grands changements...
Je trouve le petit Jin plutôt mignon, et extrémement belle personne.
Même si mon grand coup de coeur reste toujours avec son cousin Fabien.
Je pense que je dirais pas non pour une relation encore bien plus bifférente avec le petit Jin, je pense qu'il serait parfait pour le bon equilibre psycologique et emotionnel de Matt. - puis tous les autres sont tellement bordeliques et sauvagement rustres dans leurs vies...
C'est defenitivement un excellent boulot.
Actuellement, c'est même ton jeu-visual-novel que je trouve le plus parfait dans le genre.
Prends bien soin de toi.
Je t'embrasse très fort.
- - - / / - - -
Hi young Erwan, I hope everything is going well for you.
Say, only now I had the opportunity to play with these new updates...
... and I'm rather very pleasantly surprised at the evolution with this turning point in Matt's story, so many such big changes...
I find little Jin rather cute, and extremely beautiful person.
Even if my big favorite is still with his cousin Fabien.
I think I would say no for an even more different relationship with little Jin, I think he would be perfect for Matt's good psychological and emotional balance. - then all the others are so messy and wildly boorish in their lives...
It's definitely a great job.
Currently, it's even your game-visual-novel that I find the most perfect in the genre.
Très agréablement surpris pas la qualité et l'énorme travail réalisé en particulier pour un jeu gratuit j'ai bien aimé y jouer même si je n'ai pas trouvé toutes les routes.. Tous mes vœux pour cette nouvelle année.
Hello I just downloaded the android version of the game but it's not allowing me to install, it has a notification saying "there was a problem parsing the package", please help. Thanks.
Je suis surpris du developpement du jeu, je ne m'attendais pas de tout a ce qu'il y aie du contenu si sérieux. - (j'ai préféré rester sérieux et rester fidéle a Fabien malgré le fait que Mat l'a repoussé a un certain moment... Puis il y à des choses que me déplaisent dans son oncle, et aussi Carlos.)
Comme d'habitude c'est vraiment un excellent travail.
Prends bien soin de toi.
- - - / / - - - / / - - -
Hello young beauty! ;-)
I am surprised at the development of the game, I never expected that there would be such serious content. - (I preferred to stay serious and remain loyal to Fabien despite the fact that Mat rejected him at a certain time ... Then there are things that displease me about his uncle, and also Carlos.)
Hello, that depends actually, but there is a gap between patreons and Public, because because version is like pre-pre-pre release. The next patreons and public release will arrive in a few days :)
that's all i the info i can really give lol, dowloaded like usual and extracted it but it wouldn't launch, older versions did just not the most recent one
I wonder how to inherit the previous archive on an Android phone? I downloaded the latest version, but it was a new, separate game on my phone, and I still had the old version on my phone. I need to play the new version from scratch! For help!
In the new version, the load archive is empty, it's brand new; I can only load the previous progress archive by opening another old version. The new version and the old version coexist on my phone, the new version does not overwrite the old version and inherit the archive.
This is the first virtual novel that I downloaded and I wasn't wrong. I enjoyed every click I made, but what I like most is how the story is written not to mention the different packages, lol. Now I'm hooked and excited to see more. Keep up the great work Erwin
Hi! I really liked the story and the scenes is fire. Exceeded my expectations. Questions tho when is the next update *if you have a date yet if not its fine.
← Return to game
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did you cut content out of the game? i was trying to load one of my saves and notice anything that has to do with the mother being put in the hospital and college scenes are completely unable to load but when i load back to the scene when fab and carlos about to open the door, it cut to your follow my patreon screen. i tried re-installing and it didn't work.
As the game is still in dev, sometimes saves can't be break, sorry for that, I try to avoid as much as I can but I can't control it all the time :)
Is there a guide for this game somewhere? Not sure if it's my choices, but there doesn't seem to be a lot of action going on. First Carlos is a big cock-block, and then lots of stuff either gets interrupted or turned down by the MC. Trying to choose Steve, but there are so few scenes with him. Is that just the game? Or do I need to make different choices?
Hoping for more scenes with uncle <3
first of all, english is not my first language. So pardon me. ..
You know when u choose to not look at uncle's bedroom, and fabien got angry at u too and then the choices for roommates are carlos and the new guy, and u choose Carlos, in this route carlos explained it that he and uncle didn't have se*x right? Like he just confused and forget about the bedroom? So why are you guys angry😭. .
Isn't it just a misunderstanding? Or i'm the one who dont get it??
is there an issue with the MAC download or is it just me?
The new update (0.21) is a complete left turn. The wrap up of the extremely short summer vacation (the literal title of the game) came out of nowhere leaving more questions than answers and, overall, made absolutely no sense. Pretty clear that the dev lost interest in the original story and ham-fisted a way to drop it and start on a new and completely different story - Mat, the College Years. Unfortunate.
Yeah, I have to agree. Such a 180, without resolving any of the tension (you'd think there'd be at least one scene with the uncle, if that's the way you were leaning) or actually finishing out the summer. It was really disappointing. Hopefully the college story will pick up soon and the uncle will come back into the picture. Wouldn't mind if Carlos stayed gone though.
Seconded (thirded?)
It's a real narrative no-no. To just suddenly drop the story and framing out of nowhere, and put the viewer/gamer in a whole new time and place without any set up. I just gave up on the game at that point.
Summer will come back ;) I know it is disturbing, and maybe I should find another way to arrive at this point ;) And I have to say no to "Pretty clear that the dev lost interest in the original story". Absolutely not :)
Fabien is one the best character I've ever seen. Amazing job =D I Love him <3 By the way... can't understand if my route is going in the right way...
omg amazing when will the next epidsode be out
Is this game still getting updates or will it just be bug fixes cos I'm confused I thought the last update was gonna be the last one 😅
Still in dev. I dont know where you read that it was the last one 😅
I am very indifferent about Carlos after this new update, it's to the point I despise him. Like, there are plenty of things that is weird that I should take a second look at but I don't care about those. I knew what type of person Carlos was but what he did in this update was straight up trifling; and made me straight lose interest in him and the uncle for pulling that bs.
Overall, I loved the update, especially Fabian and the new character's personalities and how they interact with the main character. I find myself relating a lot with the main character during Fabian route due the constant confusion of what to do and what not to do at certain times.
I was very sad to see the two of them together 😭😿 uncle 😿😿😿
Warning: Spoiler/ Small Rant or medium?
Yeah, It was. The thing that most irritated me is that the situation was bad from the get go. First, The MC's Auntie is literally in the hospital and her son is worried for his mother. What Carlos and uncle first thought was is "Yay, time to flirt with the MC" and I am like what the hell??? Really??? Like Really??? are you serious? but it doesn't stop there; let's talk about the bedroom scene between Carlos and the MC, you can seen during that scene that the MC is really worried not only for his aunt's health but also having worried about what he said to his cousin the day before, but here come Carlos with only one thing on his mind D I C K and ignores everything that MC says. Furthermore, when he saw that the MC wasn't giving up the goods, he decided "Oh, let me go and sleep and mess around with you uncle". Like, what a d**k move on not only his part but both of parts.
Have to agree. Didn't like Carlos at all. Just a third-wheel cock-block, and I hated the scene with him and the uncle.
what happened to uncle 😿😿😿
Update 😸😺😸😸😻
I love this game When is the next update coming out?
Salut jeune Erwan, j'espére que tout va pour le meilleur pour toi.
Dis, seulement maintenant j'ai eu l'opportunité de jouer avec ces nouvelles mises a jour...
... et je suis plutôt très agréablement surpris de l'évolution avec ce tournant de l'histoire de Matt, tellement des si grands changements...
Je trouve le petit Jin plutôt mignon, et extrémement belle personne.
Même si mon grand coup de coeur reste toujours avec son cousin Fabien.
Je pense que je dirais pas non pour une relation encore bien plus bifférente avec le petit Jin, je pense qu'il serait parfait pour le bon equilibre psycologique et emotionnel de Matt. - puis tous les autres sont tellement bordeliques et sauvagement rustres dans leurs vies...
C'est defenitivement un excellent boulot.
Actuellement, c'est même ton jeu-visual-novel que je trouve le plus parfait dans le genre.
Prends bien soin de toi.
Je t'embrasse très fort.
- - - / / - - -
Hi young Erwan, I hope everything is going well for you.
Say, only now I had the opportunity to play with these new updates...
... and I'm rather very pleasantly surprised at the evolution with this turning point in Matt's story, so many such big changes...
I find little Jin rather cute, and extremely beautiful person.
Even if my big favorite is still with his cousin Fabien.
I think I would say no for an even more different relationship with little Jin, I think he would be perfect for Matt's good psychological and emotional balance. - then all the others are so messy and wildly boorish in their lives...
It's definitely a great job.
Currently, it's even your game-visual-novel that I find the most perfect in the genre.
Take good care of you.
I kiss you very strong.
How do I play?
what do you mean? it's just a visual novel, click on the screen to move forward and choose the decisions you want...
can anyone reccomend other games that have storylines like this?
this one is also really goo
Très agréablement surpris pas la qualité et l'énorme travail réalisé en particulier pour un jeu gratuit j'ai bien aimé y jouer même si je n'ai pas trouvé toutes les routes.. Tous mes vœux pour cette nouvelle année.
Hello I just downloaded the android version of the game but it's not allowing me to install, it has a notification saying "there was a problem parsing the package", please help. Thanks.
Salut jeune beauté! ;-)
Je suis surpris du developpement du jeu, je ne m'attendais pas de tout a ce qu'il y aie du contenu si sérieux. - (j'ai préféré rester sérieux et rester fidéle a Fabien malgré le fait que Mat l'a repoussé a un certain moment... Puis il y à des choses que me déplaisent dans son oncle, et aussi Carlos.)
Comme d'habitude c'est vraiment un excellent travail.
Prends bien soin de toi.
- - - / / - - - / / - - -
Hello young beauty! ;-)
I am surprised at the development of the game, I never expected that there would be such serious content. - (I preferred to stay serious and remain loyal to Fabien despite the fact that Mat rejected him at a certain time ... Then there are things that displease me about his uncle, and also Carlos.)
As usual, this is a really great job.
Take good care of yourself.
Another great update. So proud of Matt. So happy for more time with Steve.
Amazing job! I was wondering, will there be any public scenes showing us why Steve called himself a giver? And when will the next update be out?
doom 3 is good btw
I was wondering - Is there a public released scene of Steve talking to Matt about seeing him and Silvia banging?
Not yet :)
hello, where can i find the part 2?
For now, only on patreons, "public" updates arrive with a delay :)
How long is that delay? ;)
Hello, that depends actually, but there is a gap between patreons and Public, because because version is like pre-pre-pre release. The next patreons and public release will arrive in a few days :)
Merci ! (I think it's mentioned you are French somewhere) :)
Oui ;)
couldn't launch the game weirdly
This is weird, what platform?
well, it works... so. I'll need more info to try to help ;)
that's all i the info i can really give lol, dowloaded like usual and extracted it but it wouldn't launch, older versions did just not the most recent one
I wonder how to inherit the previous archive on an Android phone? I downloaded the latest version, but it was a new, separate game on my phone, and I still had the old version on my phone. I need to play the new version from scratch! For help!
Hello, well on Android it's always complicated to tell. But you should be able to use some saves you did, no?
In the new version, the load archive is empty, it's brand new; I can only load the previous progress archive by opening another old version. The new version and the old version coexist on my phone, the new version does not overwrite the old version and inherit the archive.
I fast-forwarded the previous content in the newly downloaded version, forget it I don't want to solve this problem, it is too complicated for me haha
will the next episode be out the next few weeks
Hello, yes it will be in a few weeks :)
Thank u sincerely for doing this! And maybe we can enjoy more hot things about uncle plz.😃
how come that eposode ended really quick
This is a great game, just wish it would go on and on!!!! When will the next update be done?
haha, it takes time to be made :) A public update should arrive quite soon
love this game so much! Hope to see more scenes of uncle and dad, two hot and sexy men. Thanks to your work. Looking forward to the next update.
Thank you, glad you enjoyed the game !
I love this game, I am so turned on by the uncle Nhepew perspective.
I hope they take it to the next level.
Hehe, who knows :D Thanks for your comment ^^
I can't install it
What do you mean?
The apk wasn't installing but it worked now I just needed to redownload the APK
OK, great it works finally :)
is there a way to contact you…?
On discord server?
i loved it Fabien is so so hot and i hope that Matthew and Fabien have a love scene but love the work
Hehe thanks :)
I hope this game updates very quickly because I really like this game, even when I play it, I'm horny sorry but to be honest with this game hehe :
Glad you enjoy it ^^
This really great. Keep it up and Just really curios when will be the next update
Hello, in a couple of weeks for the next public release :)
This is the first virtual novel that I downloaded and I wasn't wrong. I enjoyed every click I made, but what I like most is how the story is written not to mention the different packages, lol. Now I'm hooked and excited to see more. Keep up the great work Erwin
Hello, thanks :)
Can we hide the speaks for taking screenshot?
Just press H. Standard ren'py controls.
it's great!
Terrific stuff so far Erwin - really really enjoyed it and looking forward to the next installment!
Thank you !!! :)
Hi! I really liked the story and the scenes is fire. Exceeded my expectations. Questions tho when is the next update *if you have a date yet if not its fine.
Hello, thanks :) Next update in a couple of weeks eventually :)