Hi! I really liked the story and the scenes is fire. Exceeded my expectations. Questions tho when is the next update *if you have a date yet if not its fine.
I never played a visual novel before, kinda stumbled across this by accident, but I just wanted to say that it is really great! The erotic scenes are very hot of course, but more than that, the story is good, the characters really come to live, and the graphics and details are amazing. You're doing a really good job! Can't wait to see more of Mathew's summer of discovery!
Btw, quick question, is there any point in the story up till now where your choices matter already? I've only played through it once, so I'm not sure.
Hello, thank you! So far, some choices might have some impact in the future, some choices can show or not some scenes. However, one of the update will change slightly this and different routes will be available. The only issue : it takes time to make :)
I think you didn't have to say it, then there are already some things that are obvious about that. ;-)
And besides, take your time, you have hardly just released new updates that have been important enough, you do not need to rush your passion/work.
(it is those who do this work just for the money that take the least time possible, which always results in horrifying work, in general, when it is really with all the passion for it, it is around a minimum of three months between updates) - so, those who are not happy, just have to play these other things without any professionalism nor passion for it.
I know you might find it messed up, but I find both Mathieu and his dad hot. That dad is just... :O I would love to see an optional "dad teaches son" or son swap scene, or just any scene with the dad really :D
(perso, je suis plutôt le contraire... - même si je peut tout aussi apprécier un mec plus jeune) ;-)
Le cousin, et surtout l'oncle... - "bluffant chaud seigneur" (pour ne pas dire des injures LOL), ce caractère me fait énormément craquer...
Pour moi, le cousin pourrait être aussi tout aussi beau comme l'oncle, mais j'ai un grand faible pour les grandes "armoires a glaces" poilues... (quoi que, c'est peut-être à cause du fait que moi même je suis un peu trop grand et poilu... - grand blond poilu partout le corps aux yeux bleues 1.87cm par 97kg plus exactement/pour être plus précis)
This game is fantastic. The rendering and artwork is well done and I love the attention to detail on some of the scenes and the sheer beauty in the outcome. The story is playing out pretty well too and I am enjoying going through the game. I look forward to continuing through it.
Avec Patreon c'est à cause des hackers et des comptes miroir. (faux créateurs voleurs de copyright) - et aussi des abus sur les cartes bancaires des utilisateurs.
Et F95zone c'est à cause de la quantité des haineurs et racistes (avant tout inhumains) qui sont là que pour uniquement causer des problèmes. (surtout envers les personnes LGBTQAI+) - qui sommes rabaissés a un plus bas niveau que les ordures des "favelas", et puis nous sommes signalés sans nulle raison et donc injustement, et les administrateurs du site ne se donnent pas la peine de même pas regarder si ces individus disent vrai ou pas.
Et pour nous les réels professionnels (dans l'audiovisuel et dans le gaming) ça nous pose énormément des problèmes. (surtout que c'est très dangereux pour notre travail)
Le pire problème dans ces plateformes c'est le fait qu'il n'y à aucun respect pour autrui. - j'ai déjà éduqué et donc élevé mes propres 4 fils et ma fille qui sont maintenant des adultes responsables et parents a leur tour, et ça m'aura suffit, je n'ai pas a le faire avec les enfants des autres.
Everything is so good. Keep up the good work. Made my life move to another world for a period of time, it was so exciting, the story is superb as it progress. I so love it, everything is so good. Now let me share this wonder to the world.
Erwin, I was looking at your Patreon and some of the content says it is "locked" by T2 and T3, yet I only see an option for T1 supporter membership. I'm a bit confused.
He wrote he'll suspend that option for few weeks cause he is absent, and doesn't want people to feel robbed. I'm in the same boat... I wanted to get my hands on the dev version as soon as I finished the public playthrough but nope. Gotta wait :D
The story is absolutely beautifully written! And the vibe and aesthetic are just... idk how you are able to create this in a chill but still amazingly arousing way. Can't wait to see what comes next!
Tell me dear sir ... (LOL) - I saw (and therefore clearly noticed) in this last update that you have downright images of another game in the genre that is also quite so fabulous, magnificent, exciting (oops, I mean, interesting ) ...? It is a huge praise to its creator with certainty! It's crazy your evolution! - your game-novel is becoming absolutely magnificent, especially since a lot of us can identify with the main character thanks to the main theme and the story. I hug you strongly. Take good care of yourself. LOVES John
Tu fais un travail de génie, tu es définitivement un jeune homme très talentueux.
super hot game!! I can't wait for future updates :) Also there should definitely be a storyline with the uncle hehe and maybe a gallery in the title page?
Congrats, mate! The intro to all characters psi and story ambience is great, and the graphics are realistic and really hot!
Sometimes I don't get how the choices impact the story or if they do it at all (wine yes or no?), but it happens to me often at visual novels. The author's mind is difficult to read! ;-)
Some choices will have impact on the story, other, no, just scenes change but it's a part of the psi and ambiance ;)
As I said, I'm not developping all the routes at the same time, would be too long, I focus on 1 path... but I open some options for the future as well :) And we can't always understand everything, why his shirt is blue and not black, well... it's how the life is :) We don't always take rational decision with purpose, and sometimes yes ^^
I leave you here a small copy and paste of my new commentary on the space of the game-novel "Bound By Night":
Definitely, with "Summer Vacation" are among the best game-novels that I have played / that I have known. - with the young Erwin (the creator of this other game-novel) you make me proud to be part of the old gamer generation and also gay.
Once again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this such intense pleasure.
You really do honor to our small community, which despite everything remains as strong and united.
I am definitely completely in love with your game-novel.
Our character and the cousin would really make a very beautiful couple. - however ... Whether it is the cousin and / or the uncle ... Geez ... I would have gladly f ... Uh ... Feel... (okay, bad choice of words...) Work a close relationship of course! LOL
(I've been playing this version of your game that you just posted a few hours ago at least twice now)
I tried the new version. Really great job, man! Now I would like to have a Fabien all to myself haha. You're doing really well and I enjoyed the various choices with different scenes. I tried as many as I could, I hope I didn't miss any. Can't wait for the next update.
Thanks! Well, the friend will arrive soon... ^_^ maybe in the next update, or the one after, not yet decided... but definitely on the road ^^ (I'm currently considering opening a poll on patreon / discord to let people chose "the good one" ;))
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Hi! I really liked the story and the scenes is fire. Exceeded my expectations. Questions tho when is the next update *if you have a date yet if not its fine.
Hello, thanks :) Next update in a couple of weeks eventually :)
This game is fantastic, keep up the good work, can not wait for the next chapters!!!
Thanks, I do my best :)
I never played a visual novel before, kinda stumbled across this by accident, but I just wanted to say that it is really great! The erotic scenes are very hot of course, but more than that, the story is good, the characters really come to live, and the graphics and details are amazing. You're doing a really good job! Can't wait to see more of Mathew's summer of discovery!
Btw, quick question, is there any point in the story up till now where your choices matter already? I've only played through it once, so I'm not sure.
Hello, thank you! So far, some choices might have some impact in the future, some choices can show or not some scenes. However, one of the update will change slightly this and different routes will be available. The only issue : it takes time to make :)
I think you didn't have to say it, then there are already some things that are obvious about that. ;-)
And besides, take your time, you have hardly just released new updates that have been important enough, you do not need to rush your passion/work.
(it is those who do this work just for the money that take the least time possible, which always results in horrifying work, in general, when it is really with all the passion for it, it is around a minimum of three months between updates) - so, those who are not happy, just have to play these other things without any professionalism nor passion for it.
I know you might find it messed up, but I find both Mathieu and his dad hot. That dad is just... :O I would love to see an optional "dad teaches son" or son swap scene, or just any scene with the dad really :D
Haha, we'll see ^^
Même si le cousin est aussi très beau...
Je ne sais pas si tu as remarquè, mais tu as des très nombreux admirateurs de ce exceptionellement beau oncle...
Even if the cousin is also very handsome ...
I don't know if you noticed, but you have many admirers of this exceptionally handsome uncle ...
Prends bien soin de toi.
Je te laisse un grand câlin.
excellent ! J'espère qu'on aura des minets !
Eh bien... Il y à deja un minet...? - le MC ?
oui oui je sais, et je l'adore. Il n'y a jamais assez de minets pour moi ^^
Ah! Okay... LOL
(perso, je suis plutôt le contraire... - même si je peut tout aussi apprécier un mec plus jeune) ;-)
Le cousin, et surtout l'oncle... - "bluffant chaud seigneur" (pour ne pas dire des injures LOL), ce caractère me fait énormément craquer...
Pour moi, le cousin pourrait être aussi tout aussi beau comme l'oncle, mais j'ai un grand faible pour les grandes "armoires a glaces" poilues... (quoi que, c'est peut-être à cause du fait que moi même je suis un peu trop grand et poilu... - grand blond poilu partout le corps aux yeux bleues 1.87cm par 97kg plus exactement/pour être plus précis)
"a quest to explore his sexuality with a little help from his older cousin" you can fuck your cousin?
Since he is his cousin only by marriage, in reality they are nothing to each other, and therefore I do not see where the problem is ...
i didn’t imply that there was a problem. Just wondered about the sentence.
This game is fantastic. The rendering and artwork is well done and I love the attention to detail on some of the scenes and the sheer beauty in the outcome. The story is playing out pretty well too and I am enjoying going through the game. I look forward to continuing through it.
Thanks :)
so,happy to see some update !!!
Hehe ^^
Uncle Steve is HOT. I can't wait to see more of him with Matthieu
Uncle fan I see :)
Définitivement, je suis vraiment complétement amoureux de ton travail, et de ce Novel.
Definitely, I am really completely in love with your work, and this Novel.
J'ai quitté définitivement Patreon et aussi F95zone...
C'est juste pour t'avertir... - puis je n'ai vraiment plus l'intention d'y revenir dessous.
Des trois sites, Itchio est le seul où je me sens encore un minimum en sécurité.
(PS: Je te conseillerai de bloquer ces comptes là dés que tu pourras. Puis il se passe encore des étranges choses sur ces sites.)
du genre? c'est quoi le pb sur ces sites? Développe ça m'intrigue
Avec Patreon c'est à cause des hackers et des comptes miroir. (faux créateurs voleurs de copyright) - et aussi des abus sur les cartes bancaires des utilisateurs.
Et F95zone c'est à cause de la quantité des haineurs et racistes (avant tout inhumains) qui sont là que pour uniquement causer des problèmes. (surtout envers les personnes LGBTQAI+) - qui sommes rabaissés a un plus bas niveau que les ordures des "favelas", et puis nous sommes signalés sans nulle raison et donc injustement, et les administrateurs du site ne se donnent pas la peine de même pas regarder si ces individus disent vrai ou pas.
Et pour nous les réels professionnels (dans l'audiovisuel et dans le gaming) ça nous pose énormément des problèmes. (surtout que c'est très dangereux pour notre travail)
Le pire problème dans ces plateformes c'est le fait qu'il n'y à aucun respect pour autrui. - j'ai déjà éduqué et donc élevé mes propres 4 fils et ma fille qui sont maintenant des adultes responsables et parents a leur tour, et ça m'aura suffit, je n'ai pas a le faire avec les enfants des autres.
when is the next update?
Really soon :) I plan a dev update in the next days, as a Public version :)
And finally it has been done today !
ohmaygod, i jump out of excitement ty so much
This game is amazing!
Everything is so good. Keep up the good work. Made my life move to another world for a period of time, it was so exciting, the story is superb as it progress. I so love it, everything is so good. Now let me share this wonder to the world.
i wish next update come soon... im so damn want play with the uncle guy in the woods...
yas im obsessed
This is soo good, I love it!
The plot is the best and it actually make sense . My favorite story plot EVER 💖
Graphics, story, characters, you name it... Everything in this game is amazing!
OMG I loved the game !!! Can't wait to have more !!! Awesome story and sex scenes !!
Erwin, I was looking at your Patreon and some of the content says it is "locked" by T2 and T3, yet I only see an option for T1 supporter membership. I'm a bit confused.
He wrote he'll suspend that option for few weeks cause he is absent, and doesn't want people to feel robbed. I'm in the same boat... I wanted to get my hands on the dev version as soon as I finished the public playthrough but nope. Gotta wait :D
Leaving this comment as a reminder to pay you. I'm having some trouble with paypal <3
The story is absolutely beautifully written! And the vibe and aesthetic are just... idk how you are able to create this in a chill but still amazingly arousing way. Can't wait to see what comes next!
When the uncle puts his hand on the MC's thigh, I just swooned.
I love how chill all the characters are, and I want that pool.
Tell me dear sir ... (LOL)
- I saw (and therefore clearly noticed) in this last update that you have downright images of another game in the genre that is also quite so fabulous, magnificent, exciting (oops, I mean, interesting ) ...? It is a huge praise to its creator with certainty!
It's crazy your evolution! - your game-novel is becoming absolutely magnificent, especially since a lot of us can identify with the main character thanks to the main theme and the story.
I hug you strongly.
Take good care of yourself.
Tu fais un travail de génie, tu es définitivement un jeune homme très talentueux.
Daz, Blender, Photoshop :)
super hot game!! I can't wait for future updates :) Also there should definitely be a storyline with the uncle hehe and maybe a gallery in the title page?
Hello hehe, thanks. Yes I'm thinking about having a gallery :) in my todo ^^
OMG please, do a sequence of the game... Have no words to say how i enjoy and love it... Need mooooore of it
Thanks :) Really glad that you like it ;)
Congrats, mate! The intro to all characters psi and story ambience is great, and the graphics are realistic and really hot!
Sometimes I don't get how the choices impact the story or if they do it at all (wine yes or no?), but it happens to me often at visual novels. The author's mind is difficult to read! ;-)
Anyways, keep up the good job!
Hello, thanks!
Some choices will have impact on the story, other, no, just scenes change but it's a part of the psi and ambiance ;)
As I said, I'm not developping all the routes at the same time, would be too long, I focus on 1 path... but I open some options for the future as well :) And we can't always understand everything, why his shirt is blue and not black, well... it's how the life is :) We don't always take rational decision with purpose, and sometimes yes ^^
Oohmy god! I love the game, it's one of the best that I played lately, can't wait for more updates!!!
Q: Is it going to have a route with the uncle???
Thank you :)
Oh that... only God knows :D
That answer... Erwin, you diabolical...
hahah :)
Good to meet someone else that is in the same boat as me, haha.
Hi, once again love ur work! I just wanted to know how long would be the time between the updates, Every 15 days? (2 weeks?)
Hello :)
There is an update (dev version) from 7-10 days for patreons. And a public version every 2 to 3 weeks (depending on my own worload of course :)).
I just loved the game, cant wait for more updates!!
Hehe thank you! Work ongoing :)
I leave you here a small copy and paste of my new commentary on the space of the game-novel "Bound By Night":
Definitely, with "Summer Vacation" are among the best game-novels that I have played / that I have known. - with the young Erwin (the creator of this other game-novel) you make me proud to be part of the old gamer generation and also gay.
Once again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this such intense pleasure.
You really do honor to our small community, which despite everything remains as strong and united.
When is the next update?
Hello, I've made the last update yesterday, so next public release in 2/3 weeks :)
I am definitely completely in love with your game-novel.
Our character and the cousin would really make a very beautiful couple. - however ... Whether it is the cousin and / or the uncle ... Geez ... I would have gladly f ... Uh ... Feel... (okay, bad choice of words...) Work a close relationship of course! LOL
(I've been playing this version of your game that you just posted a few hours ago at least twice now)
Hello John, thanks again for your message, happy you're... happy with this new update^^
Yes, work a close relationship :p It's the most important thing to do!
I tried the new version. Really great job, man! Now I would like to have a Fabien all to myself haha. You're doing really well and I enjoyed the various choices with different scenes. I tried as many as I could, I hope I didn't miss any. Can't wait for the next update.
Thanks Azaza91! :) Glad you're happy with the update^^
Will there be a Android version
I'm looking at it
Amazing game, plz keep going, this is gonna be a great vn
thanks ;)
I loved it! Keeping coming, i would love to play hours of this.
PS: Im looking forward to meet the "friend" of his cousin
Thanks! Well, the friend will arrive soon... ^_^ maybe in the next update, or the one after, not yet decided... but definitely on the road ^^ (I'm currently considering opening a poll on patreon / discord to let people chose "the good one" ;))
amazing game! i loved the models and story. i just hope we get to see more of the uncle as well ;)
hello, thanks ! Well, we surely will at some point:)