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Hey are you not doing the public updates anymore?  You usually post them every 3-4 months but it has been over 7 months now and I read on discord that S22 came out on patron back in February.  Just wondering cause I really like this story and would like to see more.


I will do :) I didn't have enough content to update it (as I didn't update a lot on patreon neither). Thanks ^^


is there a walkthrough, I have OCD so I want the walkthrough.

(2 edits) (+3)

Is there any new scene for Uncle Steven or are there any route only for him? Can we get the professor route? (MC's dad kinda hot too🤭)

Hm, I've seen downloads for S22 elsewhere, but... I think that's supposed to be the Patreon exclusive version, and it's been leaked? S19 is still the current public version, right?

I downloaded the game. How do I update it??


It doesn't have a self-updater. Downloading the latest version is the way to update to the latest version.


I need the update!!!!!

did you find out how to update the game?


*pokes you with a stick*  you still alive?

I am having an issue on my MAC opening the files.  I have tried on Safari, Chrome, and Firefox to download and open the game files.  I keep getting an error message saying that the files can not be verified not to have malware and forces me to send to the trash.  Any thoughts?

Yes. Go to systems settings. I pressed the ? button at the top. It explained what to do

(1 edit)

*Careful, Contains Spoiler*

Just gotta let you know, I love the story so so much! *cries in excitement* and I also love the art style <3
The characters development, the dilemma, the conflicts. Everything is wonderful. Even the possible straight romance is kind of refreshing (even though it's highly unlikely I will choose this path xD), as such, it's more than welcome. Makes me feel like I really have the option, and knowing that there are many different paths you can take is nice.
I chose Fab and the romance is definitely worth all the wait. It makes it more anticipated and exciting!

Only thing, Matt's interested in Steve is one thing but Steve's also interested in Matt is a bit shocking to me (even if just one time thing)

Anyway, I'll be waiting eagerly for the next update. I'm hoping for more drama and conflict, and obviously more adult scene and room to optionally explore and develop various kinks :'D


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I hope we can romance the guy with the red hair from the bathroom stall Tim. Tim and Uncle peter are my 2 favorites <3


Great Game. Great story. Went with Fabien route because damn, he's gorgeous and that first uninterrupted nsfw scene was so good. 

Trying other routes now, Is the peter route still in development?


Have in portuguese Brazil?

(1 edit)

I really enjoyed it. Can't wait for the next update.


It's been a while since the last update


It's like this game looked into my soul because I literally can't resist Carlos, he's like my dream man. I had a blast playing!


does anyone know if there is a guide, or if there is even need for one?

I am not sure if there is a guide out there but I don't think it is necessary as you can save at the choices and if you don't like the result of that choice then you can reload the save.  Also there is no right or wrong choice cause they just give you different scenes and sometimes take you down a different path so you can play multiple playthroughs and make different choices to see where it takes you.


Just finished my first play through. What an absolutely fun and enjoyable game to play! Well done on creating a storyline that is both immersive and sexy. Absolutely loved it. I played with Fabian as my primary interest the first time around. Look forward to playing again with a focus more on Carlos second time around. Fantastic job and I cannot wait to see how you develop the game further! 

Hi tried to download Summer Vacation Public 0.5.55 - PC & Linux but it said file not found please help 

P.S. Love Fabian all the way


I went with Fabian all the way and I am glad to see Mat and Fab get to do something without getting interrupted for once  lol.  Can't wait for the next update.  It's been a great story so far.

(1 edit)

Love the update but it seems many pics are missing. There are a lot of scenes with just the conversations on a black background. 

Too bad we can not finish the circle jerk in the locker room. And where did that hot guy go? It starts of with a new hot guy but he is sadly missing in the circle. 

Why is Jin called Ethan in the text blocks? 

Anyway, keep up the good work and looking forward to the next update!


Black screen is  volunteer ;), when a screen is missing, you have an error message. But if you think it's someting missing, come on discord and tell me where :)

Regarding Ethan / Jin, well, you know why when reading a little but maybe it's not appearing depending on the options you chose, something I will look at more precisely :)

Hey, i wanted to ask if it was normal that there's no more update on the public version here on Itch ( the last update is from Nov 2023).

(1 edit)

Hello, yes, it was the same on Patreon. An update will come on Itch :)

So... I'm playing the new update... and all I'm getting is Fabien, Fabien, Fabien, everywhere. I'm not sure if I somehow accidentally got on a Fabien route? That definitely wasn't my intention. Or maybe the game is more linear than I expected, and you always get with Fabien? I'm not sure what the character scores are for, in that case.


No, you don't get with Fabien all the time, but if you are with Fabien as a roomie and chose some activities with Fabien then it's quite normal to have Fabien :) try a previous save and then make other choices ?

(1 edit) (+1)

PS : that can happen as a default choice if there is an issue with a save, so best would be to restart in university and make some choices /route. Game is still under development so, I put some workaround in case of something went wrong in a previous save file.

Ah ok, I think it's a previous version issue then. I seem to be getting 90% default scenes.

Congratulations to a really carefully developed game. The story and the characters are superb and you already designed a really tremendous amount of options and storylines. Keep going and thank you for the enormous work you already did with the game. I like it a lot so far and am curious to know more about the way the guys will continue their journey.

Thanks ☺️:)


when will v0.5.5 be released for the public?


Yes please. Would like to know. Thanks


Updates seem to come out roughly three months apart and the last update came out about two months ago so it will be about another month before we can expect to see anything.   Hopefully  :)


Is there a way to invite Peter to the winter vacation, or are you not able to right now?

Even if you've done every interaction with him you can, you can only text him at the moment. 


Yea I saw that and felt a little sad that I couldn’t invite him because he mentions inviting Peter but we only get to text him.

Kinda sad that we couldn't finish the scene when they all jerk off in circle in showers around him and coach interupts. You need to give us an option to finish it somehow ^^ 

I know right! Would be awesome to finish that one

Awsome update.  Love the winter vacation  :)

Can't wait till the next part.


Hi, so i've played threw and they are in college. I get a to be continued and ends. Is there an update to continue the storyline or is it not released yet?

Thx for any help. Love this story.


The animation and voice acting was a very nice surprise. Can't wait to see the rest!

Is this game compatible with a mobile device because it won't download on my phone

(1 edit)

I just got to Part II, and I'm very confused... seems like there was an enormous time skip? Could it be a version issue because I played most of Part I on an earlier version?

EDIT: Oh, it seems we see what we missed in flashbacks later.

How did you get part II, I've looked all over the place.

It's not a separate file. Just play through part 1, and eventually you get to part 2.

I don't think I'm doing it right, i played through it twice and i get to the end and it says to be continued and goes back to the main menu. 🤷🏼‍♂️

did you remove all the previous version and unzip the new one in a new directory ?


Is part 2 when they go to college? I thought it's after the whole note scene at the end. Cause i went back, deleted everything abd uninstalled it and redownloaded and installed it again and its the same. I'm just curious, I just love this story, so spicy...

is there a game guide or walk through available?


You can watch a gameplay video but you really don't need a walkthrough.  If your worried about choices you make you can always save it at the choice and go back if you don't like the results.  Just to let you know though there is no right or wrong choices. They just take you down different paths so if you want to see the different paths then you can just play multiple playthroughs and make different choices.


It's been about 3 months since S13 which is about the same time between S11 and S13 so I was just wondering when the next update is coming out?  I understand that it takes time to do the codes and get it perfect.  It's a great story and I would like to see more.

ik lol


I plan to release an update next week :)


Nice!   Thank you for the reply.



It doesn't want to install


I've been looking at Patreon and here for comparison and I was wondering if there is a release schedule available that we can follow so we have an idea when updates might appear here.

How tall is Mat?(and weight)


Really appreciated the attention to detail. Would love a path to the uncle if possible 



Is there a route for the dad? 


The game is teasing but I like it much :)


haha ;) But the most important is that you like it ;)

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